About Us


Surendra Pathare Foundation (SPF)

Surendra Pathare Foundation established with an aim to serve humanity by bringing positive changes in the life. We started this foundation to work with grassroots initiatives that bring smiles and happiness in the lives of under privileged section of our society to make it a better place for all of us.
The principal aim of the foundation is to carry on charitable and social activities conducive to the secular character of the Indian Nation and the advancement of national integrity, patriotism and upliftment of the society at large.

About Founder

Driven by Passion for helping the community, Surendra has extensive experience in running community service programs through an NGO and as well as in partnership with local communities. Tirelessly working to create a very difficult but much-needed environment of clean politics. Strongly believes in the idea of Servant Leadership, to serve the community in a very selfless manner.
Utilizing his interest in Philanthropy and leverages in engineering education, Mr. Surendra is always on the lookout to solve problems for the needy in a very logical and optimal way.Always eager to have a conversation with people who want to have a positive impact on society, irrespective of which field they are from and how much they can devote to this noble cause.
As of now, the near term goal is to help the area of Kharadi in Pune by making an example in terms of cleanliness, self-aware society, and a place that provides a very peaceful and progressive living to residents.