500 Children Participate In Making Bappa From Shadu Clay In SPF Workshop For Ganeshotsav 2023

The Surendra Pathare Foundation’s third year of making Bappa from Shadu Clay Workshop was a huge success, leaving a positive impact not only on the children of Pune but also on their parents. The workshop was held at the Blue Berry Hall & Pathare Indoor Stadium on 9th & 10th September. Ganeshotsav, which is just a few days away, needs to be environmentally friendly, which is why this two-day workshop on making ‘Ganesha Idols from Shadu Clay’ was organized.
In the face of a rapidly changing climate, it is our collective responsibility to adopt eco-conscious measures, especially in preserving our beloved Pune traditions such as the Ganesh Festival. This two-day workshop served as a crucial platform to impart knowledge to children about environmental shifts and the significance of embracing an eco-friendly Ganeshotsav. Remarkably, more than 500 young and enthusiastic minds wholeheartedly embraced this initiative. They not only showcased their artistic talents but also demonstrated a deep commitment to safeguarding our environment.
Teaching our future generations about the imperative of environmental protection, while upholding our rich culture and traditions, is paramount. The foundation is committed to upholding this annual tradition, ensuring that environmental conservation remains at the forefront of our celebrations. Together, we can cultivate a sustainable future while honoring our cherished traditions.
The foundation firmly believes that every small effort contributes significantly to the grand scheme of environmental conservation. In the years ahead, we envision expanding the reach of this workshop, actively involving schools, community groups, and environmentally conscious citizens. By doing so, our aim is to create a ripple effect, inspiring more individuals to embrace eco-friendly practices in their festive observances.