Spf-Fit-Buddy program

SPF FitBuddy

Did you know that one of the biggest causes of obesity is lack of activity by a person?/ The pandemic’s biggest harm to our health wasn’t only through the virus, but through lack of fitness and activity as well. With gyms closed and restrictions on leaving home, our physical activity was almost nil. To add to the problem many people didn’t know where to start from while some lacked motivation. Thus to bring fitness back into our routine, Surendra Pathare Foundation organized a free 7-day online fitness training program titled SPF FitBuddy.
With SPF FitBuddy, the aim was to inspire & guide people of all age groups to start their journey towards a healthier life. The online exercises were held– times a week and saw the participation of 175 individuals from the get-go. Along with Fitness training, personalized diet plans were provided to the participants according to their fitness goals. This small activity re-ignited the spark of fitness among people as they continue to exercise daily on their own now and spread its awareness to others. A single push is all that it takes to set things in motion.

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