Pedal for healthy health and a sustainable future

To mark the World Environment Day 2022, and to take the ‘healthy Planet – healthy human lives’ initiative SPF in collaboration with Isha Foundation has organized a bicycle rally on 5th June 2022, under the banner ‘The Save Soil Bicycle Rally’ where hundreds of cycling enthusiasts from various parts of the town rode in Kharadi.
Around 250 cyclists of different age groups from different parts of the city including volunteers took part in the rally with great enthusiasm, which comprised almost a 10-km ride headed from Gera Ground, Kharadi.
This rally was intended to urge and aware people of the healthy benefits of cycling in their daily lives and to prompt green space. Riding a cycle is not only a great way to cut down extra inches but it also cut downs on pollution to bring a sustainable change in the overall health. We need to inculcate pollution-free resources into our daily lives and cycling plays a vital role in this process. Cycling helps us to contribute our small to the process of healthy healing of our planet and it will also bring us closer to a healthy life.
With the advancement in technology and motorized ways of transportation environmental health is affected high – pollution at its top, melting of glaciers, and increased sea level are few of the causes. Now it’s high time to map our actions and take a call in order to bring positive change.

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